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Suzanne Somers Tribute

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My journey with Suzanne started with somersizing. I was a big part of the chat room and even attended the somersize convention in Las Vegas. I spoke to Suzanne many times while she was on hsn. While at the convention I received an invitation to a private meeting with a small group of people and Suzanne. I will never forget the smell of her perfume and how warm and loving she was. When she came over to me she said Vinny, you are always so present. Through the years I’ve sent her messages, cards, and small gifts. I got to know her amazing family a little bit better through it all. I learned so much from her and read all of her books and learned that health is so important even though it’s not always easy to eat right and exercise . One thing I learned from Suzanne was to just enjoy life as best we can. When I saw that first post on Facebook saying that Suzanne had passed away, I was in utter Disbelief. I truly thought she was gonna pull through this last bout of cancer and would return to TV or live Facebook shows so I could once again See her smiling face and her joy for life. However that just didn’t turn out to be and I am very sad that we have lost such an icon. I’m very happy to see that every single comment I’ve seen or heard on TV Facebook or on the news was all positive. Nobody had a bad thing to say about Suzanne. That’s because there was nothing bad to say. she was amazing and truly cared for everyone whether she was close to them or not Her family is a great group of people They are down-to-earth as she was and even though I haven’t been in their presence personally I feel like I am a part of The family because Suzanne taught them to be warm and accepting of people. She loved every Single person in her family so very much. Her love shines through In bruce and Caroline. They too are such amazing people. I will miss Suzanne forever but I am so grateful for whoever made it possible for me to meet her face-to-face. My condolences to the entire family. I wish peace and love to every single person on Suzanne’s family.

Vinny Penoro aka cuznvin

Sending love and light from Sudbury Ontario Canada. I would be at the babysitters when I was about 3 and they would have threes company on and I use to laugh all the time when Chrissy was on the screen even telling my sitters I wanted picktails like her. In my later teen years I loved watching her on Step by Step she was truly a genuine soul and will be missed .❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hello ,

Any time I saw Susan on the big screen or the TV interview movie or whatever she was doing she was always happy. She brought such joy wherever she was whatever she did.

Sending the family love hugs and prayers at this difficult time. What a beautiful legacy she has made and left.

Lauren Bernstein

I remember as a very young girl watching the beautiful blonde in American Graffiti and wanting to be her. At 52, the closest I could get is to be one of her ladies AND that is a true blessing. From reading Suzanne’s books to the sitcom comedy, and the lives with Alan, she made me feel I could be as strong and beautiful as she, no matter my age. There are times I dress a particular way and do it with confidence because I would think of the way Suzanne would keep her outfits fun and wore what she loved. She will always be an icon that set a standard for women. I am thankful for her. When I heard the news, I mourned and called my mom as if a friend had passed that day. She was a friend to me because I truly am one of her ladies.
Sending my love and my prayers for Alan and all of her beloveds. ~Wendy Barrington

Wendy Barrington

I so admire Suzanne for being a great role model for females. A savvy business woman who took control of her life and her health. I found Dr. Nick in her book Knockout and he became my Doctor in 2012 until his death in 2015. He saved my life, but I wouldn’t have known about him or any alternative medicine without Suzanne’s book. My heart hurts that they are both gone. 💔💔

Nancy Davis

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