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Suzanne Somers Tribute

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🌻💐🌺🌷🌸 Suzanne was the one person who impacted me the most positively in my 20’s. She inspired me to make homemade whole wheat bread for my family (when you couldn’t buy whole wheat bread in the stores unless you had a local Whole Foods). She inspired me to raise my baby (at the time) with nourishing whole foods. She inspired me to own my true self with class and taste and child like fun. When I was a little girl I would watch her on 3’s company and most of us could just feel her spirit even then. John Ritter passing away was also a very sad day for me. My family was always in the SF Bay Area, so much of Suzann’s early life I could relate to as the Bay Area is forever my home.

I own some of Suzanne’s jewelry from HSN. I gave much it away as gifts over the years but the best piece I kept was a gorgeous peach Champaign flower CZ pendant. I have very nice high end jewelry but this one piece is still stunning to me.

I still have and use Suzanne’s pot and pan set. In fact they’ve been difficult to replace as their quality is hard to match. I bought them when I was 24. I’m now a very young 46.

Suzanne inspired so much of who I am today. Her cheerfulness and love and affection she radiates truly shaped a lot of whom I became and are some of the best parts of me. ♥️

Alan is so loving and supportive and strong. So much love to all of your family! I’m so happy that you all have shared love and life in such a beautiful and joyful way. It’s the best example! (So glad to hear you consume so much fruit and nuts Alan! 🤸🏼‍♂️) I’m so happy to see Suzanne’s granddaughters become glorious young women. I remember them from Suzanne’s lovely cookbooks. They also radiate the love and beauty Suzanne had!

I’m glad I was touched by Suzanne’s life. I don’t know if I realized until today just how much she was an instrumental part of my life and who I am. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌸


I remember seeing Suzanne on TV as a little girl and thought she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her eyes were absolutely gorgeous. My heart goes out to Suzanne’s family, friends and husband Alan. Suzanne did it her way and set the path for other other women along the way. God bless 🙏🏼. My condolences.


So devastated to hear of Suzanne’s passing . She was a remarkable overcomer and natural health champion. She was an inspiration to all women – feminine, caring and powerful. Thanks to Suzanne for helping women “in the next chapter” of our lives feel we still can have so much more vitality and make a difference. God bless her family and friends who knew and loved her. She will be missed.


I LOVE Suzanne Somers. Coincidentally, I am wearing one of her boots today, knee high velvet ones in Pink (I have 5 pair) that I bought over 30 years ago on HSN. I even spoke to her on that day, and she was so sweet! and I have enough of her jewelry to fill 5 drawers in my house, honestly! I NOW NEED THE SILVER HEART NECKLACE! Peace be with her and her family, she will be truly missed as she was one in a million. Love you Suzanne, Kathleen Palazzolla XOXO

Kathleen Palazzola

Extremely sad to hear the news of Suzanne’s passing. Have been watching and enjoying the products for awhile now. Will definitely miss seeing Suzanne and Alan on Facebook. Sending sincere condolences to Alan, Bruce, Caroline and the entire family. May your wonderful memories comfort you. 🙏❤️🙏

Barbara DeAngelis

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